Translated by Stepan M. Pechkin

- 386.TALK (2:5030/688.13) ––––––––––––––––––––– 386.TALK -
From : Kat J. Trend                        2:5030/386.69   Sat 07 Feb 98 20:06
To   : Stanislaw Kive
Subj : Events that took place in ANNA café
Hi, hi, Stanislaw!

Wed Feb 04 1998 08:18, Stanislaw Kive wrote to Phillip Delgiado:

SK> my acquaintances. By the way - a fun, one of my friends did boasted to me -"I,
SK> said she, was at the party in the apartment, where Tony Lustberg often appears!"  :)
SK> It is a cult site of pilgrimage. :)

Idiots that woke me once in 8 a.m. by telephone call, asked me were they now permitted to tell that they have spoken with me? The permition I gave them, and the reply was a triumphant yell that stuffed my left ear. We are turning into legends...

Hi!         Katy J. Trend
–- Мудpец-шатун 3.00.Beta2+
* Origin: Hе умеешь - не звони, все pавно не попадешь (2:5030/386.69)
- 386.TALK (2:5030/688.13) ––––––––––––––––––––– 386.TALK –
From : Kat J. Trend                        2:5030/386.69   Mon 09 Feb 98 21:17
To   : Stanislaw Kive
Subj : Events that took place in ANNA café
    * Replying to a msg in 386.TALK (386.TALK)
Hi, hi, Stanislaw! 

Sun Feb 08 1998 22:12, Stanislaw Kive wrote to Kat J. Trend:

KJT>> they have spoken with me? The permition I
KJT>> gave them, and the answer was a triumphant yell, that stuffed my 
KJT>> left ear. We are turning into legends...
SK>     Blood! Eight a.m. - it's cruel!

What d'you thought? Once there was the worse, at four in the night? morning? there calls some girl and recites the following text: "Kat, you don't know me, but that's not important; tell me please, what is the meaning of life?" I wanted to sleep so much that I even had not boored at her, just answered her what is the meaning of life. And went to sleep.

I don't remember what I've told her.

Hi!         Katy J. Trend
–- Кpасная Ящеpица 3.00.Beta2+
* Origin: Hе умеешь - не звони, все pавно не попадешь (2:5030/386.69)