EHM – Elfic HyperDivination Machine –

is used to enable you to choose the stuff to read without being guided or restricted by occasional senseless factors such as alphabethical order of the works' titles, dates of their composition or their order in the sorting of some foolish file commander at the moment of creating an index. Concerning the stuff which possesses special psychoactive properties, this carelessness may become very dangerous.

EHM, being built on pure principles of Elven Revelation systems discussed in Stepan M. Pechkin's "Way into the Blue", gives you simple and sincere ability to avoid those failures, being guided by your own Occurance Vector at the point of choice. With a certain degree of probability this Machine will present to you the link that is presumed to coincide most closely with your momentary Occurance Vector at the moment you click the button. Thus you can always be sure that you will read exactly what you need. The choice of EHM is always defined by your present state, position, preposition etc. – by all things that constitute the Occurance Vector.

With best regards and constant care for you –

MadCap Mechanics Association 1988-1998™

The adjoining of EHM to the site also pursued the spiritual task of lowering the level of pride in netsurfers that believe that any information must be available to them without efforts from their side. I don't think so, and I am realizing my views.

© Stepan M. Pechkin 1997-8